Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Starting off as mage! XD

Hey guys, i guess its pretty too late to introduce you the tutorial to start playing this game by choosing as a mage. But its okay, this post is for those who intended to seek for advice and reference to how we should start off as a magician.

First of all, im so proud of you peeps who chose mage as your main character! (excited XD) . This is because my main acc in TURTLEZ is also a mage. :3 It doesnt matter what realm u choose, this tutorial will be useful to both realms. (P/S: choose Lanos =p)

So, we gonna start off by creating your mage character. This is a very important stage. Not in the terms of looks or whatsoever, but on the status of your character. U will be asked to spend skill points in each of the status given to you. You have another 12 skill points so that you can add it to any of the default status given. SPEND YOUR SKILL POINT WISELY. Here is the screenshot:

As you can see it from the picture, i spend more on Intelligence - 16  and wisdom - 15. The reason being is that:

a) Intelligence - this will be useful in improving your magic skills. As a mage, you will depend on this more when you wanted to launch an attack. So i suggested that you should put 16 to your intelligence.

b) Wisdom - this on the other hand will be useful for the amount of MP and MP regeneration. You should put 15. You have to remember that mage depends heavily on their MP in launching attacks.

The rest of the skill points add it until it reaches maximum 10. This should be balance, and your character should be pretty balance in all of the skills. Do not spend too much on strength, as mage are not going to use their hands to fight mobs. I will suffer a laughing mania if you do that. The same goes to dexterity and constitution. These three remaining skills will not help much if you choose to be a mage. However, we must balance out the skills on your character, so the remaining skill point just add it until it max to 10.

My other suggestion:
Intelligence - 17
Wisdom - 16
Constitution and dexterity - make sure you add one or two of any of these, as if you use this skill distribution, the numbers will be odd so you cannot balance the rest of the skills. Dexterity for focus, Constitution for health.

Secondly, to prove everything that i have said before. Look at this screenshot for my GervenJane character:

Look at the amount of MP (blue bar). It decreases once you attack the mobs. Which is why you should spend more skill point on Intelligence (refer above). The health of a mage is less than the MP, as we are not warriors or a ranger. We depends more on our MP. =)

Next, we should look into the weapon a mage is going to use. What else? A staff or a wand, of course! That is the most important weapon and a must for a mage character. If you dont have this, you cannot launch any attack on the mobs. At your first time, you will be given an apprentice staff as a default to start off:

If you're level 1, levelling is pretty fast. Kill Kooii to get EXP. If you reach level 2, you will be given a new skill. A book of Flame Shock I, can be found in your inventory. Double tap the book, so that you can extend your first Fire Skill. Go to the Skill page, and double tap the topmost circle - Flame shock. This is how it looks like:

This is the screenshot of my character, GervenJane using her Skill of Flame Shock to launch attack against Kooii:

So, now, you pretty much knew the basics, the rest you can continue on your own. I will give a tutorial on training(levelling up) in the near future and what monsters to kill according to your level. Stay Tuned! XD

NOTE: Do not depend on IMO Wikipedia of The World of Magic. Some people may give wrong information, they may do it purposely so that you cannot strengthen or upgrade your character. I give this tutorial based on my own experience, so I do know there are some information that is not reliable in the webpage. =) 

Pros on mage : 
a) You can heal yourself
b) You can use fire attacks that can cause more damage than an average warrior or ranger
c) You have a lot of magic skills that is unique than that of a warrior or ranger (e.g Shield)

Cons on mage: 
a) You cannot withstand damage from mobs. You will die easily before you even kill it. LOL.
b) Less armor, you heavily depending on magic skills rather than equipments
c) Annoying slow mana(MP) regeneration ( - __ - ) 
d) If you wanted good equipment, you have to pay more. Other players sell them very expensive in Black   Trader and Trader. I know, they are being so greedy and an arse.  

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