You see, pets are not a necessity, however, they are some specialities in owning a pet in this game. Why is that?
a) Pet gives you EXP. Every pet in TWOM will provide 3% EXP to help your character in training (levelling up). Usually, people that have pet gets the advantage of levelling faster than an average player that does not have any pets. So...yeah, having a pet is cool. :3
b) Pet provides critical(damage) to your character's attack. The most I came across for the pets in TWOM is 1.0. However, I dont think it will support that much damage,most of the time it will still rely on your weapons and skills.
c) Pet also provides deadly strikes. It means that your character's strikes will be enhanced than the average strikes. This will affect more to warriors and rangers. Mage's strikes will be affected too, in my own experience, it really helps to enhance your damage on the mobs. This will be one of the factors that you need to consider in buying a pet. =)
d) Pet also provides your character extra health (HP). It really adds in to your character's amount of HP. So, this will also be another factor that will let you to consider buying a good pet. =)
Judging by the advantages of pets in the virtual world, you must be thinking that it is actually pretty cool, correct? Oh first I myself was like that too. I was so desperate in getting a pet...until I saw the prices for pets in Black Trader(takes a gun and shoot myself on the head). <------ ( ; ______ ; ) I know right?? I was like WTF...! but......! Its okay peeps its okay...with a lot of patience in saving golds, you will get a pet. ( . ______ . )
It is important to know that which pet actually best suits you. Check each of the statuses of the pets in Black Trader. Pay attention on the Deadly Strikes it provides and the amount of health(HP) it supports. The higher the deadly strikes and HP, the better it is for your character.
Next, look at your budget(I mean your golds), the prices of the pets ranges from 180k - 500k and above. Yes, it is EXPENSIVE. ( - ____ - ) So, in my post today, I will tell you only to buy pets that are below 300k golds. Why? Because I do believe that is the max a player can get in a short time, if you are eager to get a pet. I will provide you with the screenshots on pets ranges 300k golds and below.
Screenshots on pets ranges 300k golds and below in BT
As you can see from the pictures, there are a lot of pets that you can choose which, I might say, quite affordable( if you have 200k - 300k golds in your account). Look at each of the pets. All of them provides the SAME AMOUNT OF EXP and the SAME LEVEL OF CRITICALITY. It doesnt matter to me though, the amount on deadly strikes and health is what we must consider. So, compare the prices and the benefits, not because of the cuteness of the pet ( O ___ o ) .
I will show you several screenshots on my character, FaythJane and her pet, Smart Pup.(previously, it is Red Card, but I sold it XD ) See how does the pet actually supports my character in her attacks:
Screenshot on Mage FaythJane lauching "deadly" attacks to the mobs
Screenshot fighting mobs in the Mushroom Spore
(P/S: There's a faint "deadly" word behind the number 72 XD )
Screenshot on farming with "deadly" attacks on boars
So, I will also give you the screenshot while Mage FaythJane is in the village, where one of Lanos Pro, was training near the sandbag :
Screenshot of a Pro (ranger) training in the village
(P/S: Notice the attacks that he made. Supported with "Deadly" and "Critical" strikes. His pet is a Smart Pup)
So, my conclusion is, it is not necessary for you to have a pet, so long as you have good weaponry and armory, you will be fine. Having a pet is just a bonus. =) Pets cost you a lot of golds, let me remind you that you need to upgrade your weapons and armor, which will also cost a lot of golds. have the budget, then go on and buy a pet to help your character! =)
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!