Hajimemaste!!!!! ( ^^ ) So nice to see that a lot of people seems to know about this blog and whenever I'm on in TURTLEZ server Lanos Realm, readers of this blog will say hi to me. Lolz. Okay XD. -Awkward smile-
Figure 1.0 : Hola! That is me training solo in Arid Grassland :3
So, on my post today, I wanted to talk about the
MISTAKES, yes peeps, the mistakes players in TWOM made while in a Party. ( ++ " ) How could some newbies even senior players did this? Party thingy has no rules, but there are certain guides (for me) in order for you to be synchronized and make your "in a Party" better. Honestly speaking, that is why I do not like to be in a Party whenever FaythJr was training. For me it affects my EXP, and I can't have all the golds for myself ( ++ " ). IspeakthetruthcallmegreedyorwhateverbutIreallyamgreedyinthisgame. -ranting mode-
Figure 1.1 : Can't believe that FaythJr will be able to hit Gargoyle at Sky Castle! Thank you, Hitrate! XD
Back to business. My guide to be in a Party.
Party : Warrior and Mage/Warrior and Wizard
Mistake 01 : Warriors thought they can tank a lot of mobs with not enough skills, armor and good stats weapon

-RANTING MODE ON- OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! WTF is wrong with some players nowadays??? Yes, I do agree that a Warrior is strong, and designed to be a tanker, but when you are a newbie...your skills ain't impressive. ( ==" ) Sorry to say this but its true. I suggest that if you wanna tank mobs one level higher than you,
tank around 3-4, more than this both of you will be dead(for newbies only!).
One more thing, most Level 25++ Warriors only have the Sweeping Strikes Skill up to level 2. Addition to the mobs you can tank is only up to 3, so WHY are you so greedy to tank mobs more than the limit given by your skill? Think about how many times your Mage will have to heal you! To all the newbies in a Party, Warrior, ya listen to me, make sure your weapon is goddamn good. Enchant it until +6 or more, to improve accuracy and damage. Upgrade your armor according to your level, and then enchant it to +4 or more. FaythJr was spending a lot of golds, but whatever, protect your character! Gaining golds is easy, so don't be stingy in terms of skills, armor and weapon.
Mistake 02 : Warriors thought Mage/Wizard have magics in real life to restore their MP fast

-RANTING MODE ON- WTFFFFFF? Ya Warriors think that a Mage has real magic in the real life to restore their Mana(MP) fast, huh? Ya on drugs??! ( ==" ) .....A Mage is already good enough to be in a Party with you( I know they're leeching EXP, but still, you should be grateful for them healing you, right? ),
but Warriors need to understand that they are using their Mana while healing you. What if you're tanking mobs that the damage is very strong and fast, in groups? Mage will spam their healing skill in order to keep you alive! Of course their Mana will decrease instantly. Look at the screen on your left side, you can basically see your party's HP and MP.
Once you saw that the Mage is out of Mana, then you should stop tanking. Let the Mage restore her/his MP first, then you can go crazy and kill mobs again. (To Mages, store lots and lots of Mana Potions or Dongryu Juice in your inventory to quicken the pace of leveling with a Warrior while you're in a Party).
Mistake 03 : Warriors do not protect their Mages ( ++ " )

-RANTING MODE ON- Ya Warriors need to be responsible if a Mage died when he/she is in a Party. ( ==" ) Why, I must say, because they f**king lose 1% of their EXP, ya idiots. You can just run away by using Bull Rush, but Mages? Dude most of their armors is only around 10-35, and they heavily depend on their healing and shield skills to at least survive. Their HP? No kidding, its very little. Two hits, or maybe three, a Mage will facepalm to the ground.
If you see any mobs that is running/attacking your Mage, just use a simple action to hit the mob, and it will goes to you. And then, lure the mobs to a spot that is safe for your Mage to continue healing you without getting affected.
Figure 1.2 : Ma FaythJr killing Bizizi :3 Awesome Fayth able to hit mini-boss not your level =p
Mistake 04 : Mages thought they are strong and went to lure mobs for their Warrior

-RANTING MODE ON- These Mages are bloody @@@#####***!!!!. I'm sorry for the censored cursing towards Mages that did this, but this mistake is stupid. Ya Mages use ya brains.
Ya tanker? Noooo? Then don't go and lure the mobs for your Warrior. Let him/her do the luring. This is what happened while I was training FaythJr in Arid Grassland. Almost 60% Mages there are still newbies (Level 15 to Level 25) and these are the things they did. Goddamn, the Mages immediately got killed while their Warriors are busy tanking mobs, and are not in time to save their Mage. In the end, the Warrior also died. -clap hands sarcastically-
Mistake 05 : Mages thought they can help the Warrior to kill the mobs by attacking it too

-RANTING MODE ON- THIS!!! THIS IS THE SH**! I just don't understand why Mages want to do this while their Warriors are tanking mobs in groups. If it is only one, then yeah you can chip in too and show how good your damage is, but if the Warrior is attacking them in groups, ya Mages don't be stupid and try to mess with the mobs.
Don't use Ice Prison or Freezing Trap skill to freeze the mobs. They will go to you after the effect disappears, and not to the Warrior. I know Warriors did not kill the mobs fast, but hey, they are strong and they can withstand mobs better than you Mages.
Mobs ain't stupid. They will attack the characters that gave them more damage first, even though your Warrior is busy tanking. So, literally speaking, just let your Warrior kill the mobs, you get EXP too, right? So
just stay healing and shielding your Warrior only.
Mistake 06 : Mages did not put a safe distance from mobs while healing/shielding the Warrior

-RANTS CALMLY- Okay, I need to be able to explain this to you guys very carefully. Ya Mages need to
put a 'safe distance' when healing/shielding your Warrior. It would be dangerous when the mobs re-spawn. If the mobs re-spawn behind you or next to you, immediately retreat, find a safe spot where you can still heal/shield your Warrior without getting chased or attacked by the mobs. Annnddd......make sure your HP is full. Like I said before, these mobs ain't stupid. They will attack characters that their HP is already affected, so make sure you heal and shield yourself before doing the same thing to the Warrior. Comprende? =="
Mistake 07 : Unfair loot to either Party
Urm.....should I include this in my list of mistakes? Yeah I think I should. Ya peeps, both of you people in a Party wanted to loot the mobs' drops, right? When the mobs dropped golds, who goes and loot them? You peeps need to realized that it is unfair that only one person in the Party that gets to loot everything. ( ==" ) Just....be fair to each other okay? Everybody's happy. End of story.
Figure 1.3 : FaythJr and ChocoSword ganging against Stealth, mini-boss at Arid Grassland ( ++" )
Oookkaayyyyy.....I've stopped ranting. I think that's enough. Hope you guys take note of this while in a Party. See you in my next post? ( ^ o ^ )
FaythJane a.k.a FaythJr
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